La Petite Ecole Presents: An American Sign Language (ASL) After School Program for Hearing Children Ages 3 through 6
signing is fun logo (by deaf artist Daniel Winship)
hands (pencil/ink)together palms facing up and
slightly forward with colored handshapes dancing
in and on the hands. INSTRUCTOR: Cindy Ciccotelli
WHEN: Mondays October 20th through Dec 15th
3:30 – 4:30
Jan 14th through March 4th (Wednesdays)
3:30 – 4:30
March 20th through May 8th (Fridays)
3:30 – 4:30
COST: $150/8 week session
CONTENT: *Introduction to ASL, deafness and visual/spatial communication *Getting acquainted, introductions, feelings, facial expressions *Colors, numbers *Manual alphabet, names *Describing people and things in ASL *Yes/No and Whquestions, directional verbs *Setting things up in space and spatial relationships *Popcorn, expressive and receptive review
École française - French Bilingual Preschool and Kindergarten programming for children ages 3 through 6 years - Portland, Maine