The Program at La Petite École engages the children through a series of journeys: exploring the world around us opens a wide range of opportunities for art-ventures: from the Portland Museum of Art to the Public market. We befriend artists from local to far away places from whom we get inspired. Pupils develop age-appropriate skills- such as social, cognitive, communication, and motor skill- through centers created specifically for certain learning tasks.
La Petite Ecole
is a full day program
to fully engage your child
in this unique Bilingual Art-venture!
Please find the
Enrollment Agreement Form below to save your child's spot now!
Tuition information :
Full day only: from 8:30am to 3:00pm
from September - June (Holidays and vacation excluded)
Pre K Program
◊$630/m for 3 full days
◊$745/m for 4 full days
◊$870/m for 5 full days
K Program
◊ $ 1050/m for 5 full days
Before and after care options :
we also offer after care-Garderie en Francais!
from 7:30am to 8:30am and 3pm to 5:30pm $13/hr.
Please email: [email protected] for more information.
Download the registration form below: